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Tag: right

Articles tagged as Right

Do You Date the Wrong People?

Posted on May 26, 2024 by Albert Goldberg
Do you always end up dating or attempting to date exactly the same types of individuals who you know aren't right for you personally?Then you might be purposely setting yourself up for failure rather than even understand it.It happens constantly.If this happens for you then it's important that you make an effort to analyze why you'll wish to accomplish this.It really is most likely you are not ready for any type of serious commitment and setting yourself up for failure is the greatest method of guaranteeing you won't get tangled up...

Lose the Losers

Posted on January 10, 2023 by Albert Goldberg
The phrase sounds crass and cruel.In the end, we're taught that each individual has value, and that is true.But that is different.That is dating.That is your relationship as well as your life.You do not owe your dates any other thing more than courtesy and kindness.You do not owe them another date.You don't owe them sex-ever.Moreover, whenever we say "Losers" we mean losers as in losers and keepers, not losers and winners...