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Tag: initial

Articles tagged as Initial

The Dating Ritual

Posted on September 13, 2023 by Albert Goldberg
Dating is really a complicated affair.It involves the original contact, the learning you, the initial meeting, the next and subsequent dates, the initial kiss, the initial moment of true intimacy, sharing hopes and dreams, introducing family and friends, daily contact, blah, blah, blah.It's such as a never-ending story, yet a tale that many folks strive to turn into a character in.This never-ending story is all section of a ritual that humans proceed through...

Is Chivalry Dead - Should It Be?

Posted on October 3, 2022 by Albert Goldberg
Is it really required to open all doors, cover every bill and toss coats into puddles? I don't, though chivalry does comes in handy during the initial stages of dating.Chivalry is a excellent way to convince your beautiful lady that you mean business.What girl doesn't need a man to go out of the way doing nice things for her.The downside is that continuous chivalry can be a drain on an established connection...